K-Pop Idols’ Marketing Magic: Boosting Healthy Product Purchases through Brand Ambassador

Adjeng Dwi Fitriani, Hanum Kanthi Pramesthi, Bambang Dwi Prasetyo, Moch. Shobastian Mahendra Muchtar


This study aims to determine how the influence of K-Pop idol NCT Dream as a brand ambassador on purchasing decisions for Lemonilo instant noodle products. The population in this study were followers of the @NCTDreamINA Twitter account and used purposive sampling by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents with the criteria of citizens aged 15-25 years, NCT Dream fans who have purchased Lemonilo x NCT Dream instant noodle products, and followers of the @NCTDreamINA Twitter account. The results of this study prove that the NCT Dream brand ambassador has a significant or positive influence on purchasing decisions on Lemonilo instant noodle products. When associated with ELM theory, persuasive communication carried out by Lemonilo is a peripheral route, namely displaying various interactive content and promotion of Lemonilo advertisements on social media by showing NCT Dream as a brand ambassador.   


brand ambassador; purchase decision; NCT dream; lemonilo

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21776/ub.tuturlogi.2024.005.02.5


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